How the marginalized becomes the mainstream
Throughout history we learned that the human society is never homogenous. There are all sort of people that exist and the mainstream have to deal to each of them accordingly. From the black/ slaves, the feminists, the animal rights advocators, to the disabled and homosexuals, from the political activists to the religious ones, everyone wants to find a place in the society. Most of these group started as dissent from the mainstream views (e.g. Christianity emerges among the Judaism society) then slowly gain the acknowledgement and support of the public and finally emerges as the mainstream (hegemony), to suppress another dissent. The article discusses about the manufacture and processing of the dissent and how do they
Observe the analogy between an individual and a group of people.
Step 1 the body
You will need a body, which is an organization with tones of members. In this democratic society, quantity is everything. If you can prove that your organization is a significant source of votes worthwhile of supporting you should have no problem in exerting political influence. Anonymous reporting during balloting is usually the way.
Step 2 the behaviour
Action of a body is termed the behaviour. The group need to act out in order to gain attention. Protest, leaflet distribution, seminar are common ways.
Step 3 the history
Doing the usual stuffs above is insufficient – you need a potential issue to exploit. The general public are forgetful they tend not to focus on the general idea unless a specific cases erupted. For instance the government will only take steps to improve road safety when there is a prominent figure died in a traffic accident, or consider about the welfare of the disabled when there people sacrifice unnecessarily – tragedy or litigation is always the tipping point.
But my point here is not just an exploitable issue, the sensational effect fades away quickly with time. We should go beyond an issue: telling story about the group members involved. This is how you can make the appeal long lasting and image of the organization become clearer. Without history, the society members are just a bunch of people without face.
Remember remoteness promotes callous and indifferent, only a true story can break down the barrier and evoke empathy from the public. Only then they will realize that these people are real humans with feelings.
Step 4 the soul
As the group evolved the ideology of the organization will evolve as well. Now they need reasons to back them up and arguments to put forward so that they can fight with the mainstream ideologically. Because no matter how great is the grassroots movement in step 3, it is ultimately the ideology that will make a difference in the parliament. Thus the ability to convince the MPs lies on how sophisticated and impressive the philosophy of the group.
Notice the sequence of the emergence (body -> soul). All organization went through the same struggle before they can revolutionize the mainstream. They first gather with a rudimentary believe then as the institution become more established the philosophy will serve to reinforce their action and believe. People do not become communists after reading das capital by Karl Marx, instead they join the body then only they start reading it to justify their actions; the same goes for Christianity and other religion, most people are converted bodily (step1) first due to the friendly environment, only then soully (step 4) by reading the bible.
You should realize by now that why the Establishment likes to suppress the freedom of association (step 1) and freedom of expression (step 4). The government tends to use media control as a means of social control to repress any dissent. However thanks to the internet and the emergence web 2.0, dissent is now so unconcealable. We are now heralding the Wiki era where everyone has the rights to voice out their opinions and freedom to express it to the world, uncensored! The feminist can come up with their own feminist theology, the political activists has the liberation theology, the homo group have their queer theology. The
Labels: politics