今天收到一位朋友转载Jeff Ooi 博客关于多媒体大学里某企业列明种族为招选资格的奖励金海报1。网页中还有许多网友的回应。许多人都把矛头指向那家企业 ,纷纷批评它的种族作风,还有人要号召别人去杯葛。我独排众议。我认为M 公司只是为了迎合政府的雇员种族政策。我不是要追究责任,只是觉得M公司不应该做到太明显,它大可采纳多媒体大学的建议2,通过大学直接索取“合格申请者”名单,或甚至是在遴选入围者时设立种族固打,让一些申请者直接过关不就行了吗?这种登广告的手法真是拙劣,这些跨国企业还得多多向我国的许多政府机关学习。
如果明目张胆 ,
心里已屈服于制度。反动 “anti-establishment” 大概就是最令人怯缩的罪名了。
Accommodate adapt
政治是一局棋。明里来,更多暗里去。只要不撕破脸皮,不赶尽杀绝,政客们永远都有戏唱。揭发政客的假面具须要人民的支持,但偏偏人民也是最善忘、最容易适应的一群。民主的战士们,除了要有热血批判明显的事件性 (incidental) 偏差,也要有冷静应对更多看不到的制度化 (institutional) 的偏差。要参与这局游戏,就要熟悉游戏规则,才能洞悉对手的棋路。
1 http://www.jeffooi.com/2006/04/again_what_are_mmu_motorola_tr.php
2 http://bulletin.mmu.edu.my/v3/view/bulletin_main.mmu?s=34534&by=date
Learned reflex
Ore : 4:32 PM
“ We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle
“practice makes perfect”
Learned reflex
Biomedically, learning is just the process of building new synapse.
Smart then can be defined physiologically as having many synapse and linking ideas.
More than that.
“considerable practice is needed before expert percussion can be performed. The ability to percuss well count in students’ favour, as it indicates a reasonable amount of experience in the wards.” Tally
Good percussion skill does not imply a good clinician, but a good clinician should have a reasonably good percussion skill.
Is there a way to speed up learning process?
Increase the speed of synapse, axonal transmission… ie. Smarter?
Interference of the nature
Deplete all the energy
Interfere with autonomic nervous functions
Increase cellular activities which can lead to cellular exhaustion and hence hasten their death?
Dramatically increase your learning speed and shorten your own life?
Seriously dramatic.
“practice makes perfect”
Learned reflex
Biomedically, learning is just the process of building new synapse.
Smart then can be defined physiologically as having many synapse and linking ideas.
More than that.
“considerable practice is needed before expert percussion can be performed. The ability to percuss well count in students’ favour, as it indicates a reasonable amount of experience in the wards.” Tally
Good percussion skill does not imply a good clinician, but a good clinician should have a reasonably good percussion skill.
Is there a way to speed up learning process?
Increase the speed of synapse, axonal transmission… ie. Smarter?
Interference of the nature
Deplete all the energy
Interfere with autonomic nervous functions
Increase cellular activities which can lead to cellular exhaustion and hence hasten their death?
Dramatically increase your learning speed and shorten your own life?
Seriously dramatic.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Ore : 5:48 PM
Ore : 5:48 PM
唯有通过行动,才能显示自己对理论的信心。Strong hold of your own belief.
“要改变世界,先改变自己”-- 甘地
唯有通过行动,才能显示自己对理论的信心。Strong hold of your own belief.
“要改变世界,先改变自己”-- 甘地
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Ore : 1:17 AM
Ore : 1:17 AM
是法平等 无有高下
Value is what you value the most.
“god or the girl”
a documentary abt 5 teenagers choosing between becoming priests ie. celibacy or marry just like normal people.
20060415 night.
Value is what you value the most.
“god or the girl”
a documentary abt 5 teenagers choosing between becoming priests ie. celibacy or marry just like normal people.
20060415 night.
Free will huh?
Friday, April 14, 2006
Ore : 6:00 PM
Ore : 6:00 PM
An epilogue of talk with Sean
We sometimes think that we have the Free Will. The freedom to choose.
But think deeper. Do we?
Speak of minor things like buying a product.
Our decision are largely influenced by advertisements: on TV, radio, paper, by your friends…
A frightening fact: experiments showed that images introduced can lead people into choosing the otherwise
Affected subconsciously
Let’s say you are deciding to buy a pizza.
Two days ago when you went to your friend’s house you saw your friend is eating brand A pizza. On your way to the supermarket, you caught sight of packaging of the very brand of pizza in the waste bins. When you are arrive at the frozen food department, you realize that brand A is almost sold out while other brands just piling up.
All these hints albeit subtle are always effective in affecting us.
Because we don’t always have a reason to support our choice, that makes us susceptible to influence.
Even if we do have a reason for choosing something, how sure can you be that reason is really YOURs and not ideas inculcated into you?
Talk about major decision in life?
Constrained by our culture, race, family, friends… which oftenly not up to our choice. We can't choose our parents, our language, some even religions. Unfortunately all these are the most deterministic factors in shaping who we are.
Skim through any sociology texts. they will tell you how factors A, B, C etc affect your health, social status, psychology.
Society the media the textbook shape our mind.
Think of your career.
You are not always given the full choices. Just like you are marrying. I hide all the pretty gals and leave you with 3 ugly girls. Only one of the three is so-so. I would not surprise if you end up marrying her. But it would be ludicrous if you claim that you make the choice of your life.
“Restricted choice”
You live in the society with limited options offered to you. If you come from a kampong, you will never have think of becoming a researcher.
If you come from Cambodia, being a neuroscientist would not be in your selection list.
Not knowing makes you unable to choose. Unfortunately the opposite is also true. Knowing too much makes you vulnerable to influence.
Independent thinking huh?
Too bad you can't seclude your mind from the rest of the world and every input to your brain can change your mind.
Let say too bad you are born in the deepest jungle of Amazon. Then I wouldn’t envisage you to become a doctor in anyway. Very unlikely.
If one day when you are 60 years old, you look back your life and think, do you actually chosen this life? How many things are your own free will?
Ok. Speak of unlikely you may think there is always still a chance. Yup. Sometimes miracle happens. Somehow somebody bring you out of the jungle.
What I would say it is unusual for people to break away from the norm. they lead a normal life, complacent with what they have, they achieve, they believe and they choose not to change. Maybe they are afraid to lose.
This is what I call inertia. Reluctance to change.
Remember the childhood dream that you had. When we grew up, we lost the courage to change. We afraid of losing the things we currently have. We contemplate and procrastinate. We wait, until one day we lose our lives.
“to be contented is to be slack”
Gosh. if one day you decide to break away from all the norms and stand out. You become a rock star as you always want to. You started from scratch and you succeeded. Now you think this is our own choice.
Fine. I can't really deny this. But think of the true man show.
How if the whole breakaway is also part of the plot?
Then who is script writer? Some people will point upwards. Ironically they are the people that also believe in free will.
What do I think? The world is playing.
Yes I am being pessimistic. This thoughts of mine are not actually mine as I was also influenced by the things that I read or know. Especially Wesley sci-fi “toys”. Everyone is just a toy. A toy played the media, the society, the politicians, the religion…
“Choice is an illusion. The keyword is ‘control’.” -“The Matrix”
You can choose not to believe in anything so that you are not influenced.
We are all in a game and the world is the playground. Good and bad things are always in dynamic equilibrium. You can affect the crowd and at the same time you are being affected by the crowd. The playground is governed by the laws of thermodynamics.
1. you cant win 2. you cant break even 3. you cant get out of the game (only if you really wanna kill yourself now)
Remember these rules will save you a lot of unnecessary worries and disturbances. Just live your life as “normal”, continue to make choices but please stop proclaiming that you have free will. (especially you believe in an omnipotent superior being) . Look out “game theory” in maths if you wanna be more in control of the game. The theory is now being exploited in politics, military and business world.
Why have to trouble your mind with all this rubbish? Thinking of this question doesn’t help reduce pollution, poverty or crime. Ermm.
That’s what I consider the meaning of life.
You are born knowing nothing. If you live life like this and until you die you know nothing of why what you have done. A muddled being.
People live passively. We react not act. We respond to environment.
Don’t hope that something drastic will happen tomorrow. Bad things doesn’t go away in a blink of an eye.
Be positive? Then I would say “mind can’t be confined”. No matter how stringent is the mind control, there are always new thoughts that you can’t suppress. See The Island.
Creativity is the greatest gift human possess. We generate new thoughts from all the available information and become our own ideas.
Observe that birds never change the architecture of its nest for 100 years. But human do.
Most human behaviours are learned. We cant really distinguish what is the product of our thoughts and what is learned. No way you can tell. Unless you are constantly reflecting yourself, your mind and your actions. Be mindful of what you are doing and thinking. This is where meditation comes in. if you agree that this question is relevant to the meaning of life, you shall agree that the ability to reflect is crucial. (ad. for learning log)
“think before you leap”.
The end.
20060414 coming back from tesco.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Ore : 9:59 AM
Ore : 9:59 AM
此文非要质问神圣,而是感慨今天的宗教已经变成了信仰,而不是行道。我们热衷于研究教理,以为经典就是真理的全部。我们相信神圣的教义,却忘了将其付诸行动。当我们讲多于做,信却没有行时,我们已经和大道渐行渐远了。Karen Armstrong ,一位美国的宗教学者,在其著作The Great Transformation中就极力倡导我们回归务实:“最重要的不是你相信什么,而是你体现什么”。古代先贤在教导我们时都是先亲身示范才示说教义的,现在我们则是反其道而行。
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