“ We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle
“practice makes perfect”
Learned reflex
Biomedically, learning is just the process of building new synapse.
Smart then can be defined physiologically as having many synapse and linking ideas.
More than that.
“considerable practice is needed before expert percussion can be performed. The ability to percuss well count in students’ favour, as it indicates a reasonable amount of experience in the wards.” Tally
Good percussion skill does not imply a good clinician, but a good clinician should have a reasonably good percussion skill.
Is there a way to speed up learning process?
Increase the speed of synapse, axonal transmission… ie. Smarter?
Interference of the nature
Deplete all the energy
Interfere with autonomic nervous functions
Increase cellular activities which can lead to cellular exhaustion and hence hasten their death?
Dramatically increase your learning speed and shorten your own life?
Seriously dramatic.
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